Solo Exhibitions
2024 ONE OF A KIND, Glassbox of the 20 District Museum Vienna
2023 PLAY PLEASE, q202, diese Straße ist Kunst, Art in public space Taborstrasse (quasi 11b) in front of Odeon Theatre
2022 FUGA N. 22, Jan Arnold Gallery, MQ, Q21 Showrooms, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna
Opening and Closing Performance: Liliana Arreola, Juliana Herrero, „DUBA DUBA“
Presented works: Expanded Series of „Lines and Loops“ steel, stainless steel and brass assemblages, sound in loop, mixed media pieces
Opening Performance: Denis Cardinaux, „Super Flumina Babilonis“
Presented works: Series „Lines and Loops“ steel, stainless steel and brass assemblages, sound in loop, „Sube la Marea“ -Vision acústica II -Sound Object, mixed media pieces
Closing Performances: Denis Cardinaux, „Super Flumina Babilonis“ /// Juliana Herrero, „DUBA DUBA“
2019 on the filaments, there where the plateau rises, sehsaal, Vienna
Opening Talk: Daniela Hahn. With performative dialogues::: by Yoh Morishita and Julia Müllner
Presented work: on the filaments, there where the plateau rises (sound-kinetic installation)
Technic and software: Arno Aumayr
2018 Blankets Program #5 – Juliana Herrero, Medospace, Vienna
Curated by Jianan Qu. Opening and Artist Talk: Ruth Horak with Juliana Herrero. Presented works: from the work group “EXTIMA” a more-pieces installation
2017 REM
Exhibition in Bildraum 01, Vienna
Opening words: Alexandra Grausam. Presented works: „From One Crystallon to the Pampia“ Spatial installation with tonal layer, „A white Noise, the Grilles and the Sea“ Experimental watercolours – Cyanotypes as empirical painting- and sound, „Invisible Cities“ in Video Format, „Just Another Series of Blues“ empirical painting (water colour, salt)
2016 Out of the Blue, SpotteArt NY Artsy (Digital Space) New York
Curated by Nelba Delmedico Presented works: Experimental watercolours – Cyanotypes as empirical painting- and sound, as „A white Noise, the Grilles and the Sea“, „LaTonita Blue“ Series „Sonoides“, and without sound as „Sones Naturalis“, Series „Latentes“ and Series „Out of the Blue“
2014 La Mia Camera, Kunstzelle WUK, Vienna
Presented work: “La Mia Camera”
Site specific installation with sound in public space, WUK-Hof.
The Kunstzelle is a project initiated by Christine Baumann in WUK
Multimediale Performances / expanded Media
2024 THE KIWI COLLECTION Happening 20′. Juliana Herrero with Synne Genzmer in context of the exhibition JULIANA HERRERO: ONE OF A KIND at the glass box of the 20. District Museum Vienna
2024 ARRESTING TIME AND SPROUTS I / II Performative scenes 20′ Juliana Herrero in context of the exhibition JULIANA HERRERO: ONE OF A KIND at the glass box of the 20. District Museum Vienna
2024 HOW TO SCULPT THE HEART OF A WATERMELON micro performance 12′ in context of BLUE PLANET at Kunstraum Flat 1
2024 TOWARDS BLUE PLANET * BLUE PLANET Film screening and hybrid formats with focus on climate on its widest sense / Interstitial format and exhibition / as part of slow wave ongoing format based at WUK –Kunstzelle with interstitial satellites at Kunstraum Flat 1 (Vienna AT), Rayuela espacio de arte (Salta) and Chumbicha, (Catamarca AR) Core artists team making it happen: Ana Benedetti, German Bormann, Juliana Herrero
2024 PEACE WATERMELON Happening-performance 20′ Juliana Herrero with Synne Genzmer in context of the exhibition JULIANA HERRERO: ONE OF A KIND at the glass box of the 20. District Museum Vienna
2024 BLUE PLANET Loci Studio pilot Set. Site specific Installation by Juliana Herrero, Eva Kosinar, and slow wave video contributions
2023 On My Guts performance improvisation for the [Bichinoid3] sculpture in public space, exhibition PLAY PLEASE, q202, diese Straße ist Kunst, Art in public space Taborstrasse (quasi 11b) in front of Odeon Theatre, Vienna
2022 Duba Duba I, II, III performance developed for Fuga N21 and N22, featured at WUK Vienna and Q21 Museumsquartier, also in context of Slow Wave III
2022 Slow Wave III Film screening and hybrid formats with focus on climate on its widest sense / Interstitial format and exhibition / Initiator, idea and contribution. WUK -IntAkt gallery and many satellites: Flat 1 (Vienna AT), Jan Arnold Gallery, Q21 Museums Quartier (Vienna AT), Terciopelo Negro(Buenos Aires AR), Castillo del Arte (Catamarca AR), Glashaus Muskovit Gallery (Vienna AT),Capayan, “Puerta del Viento” (Catamarca AR)
2021 Slow Wave I / II Film screening format with focus on climate on its widest sense / Interstitial format and exhibition / Initiator, idea and contribution. WUK -IntAkt gallery.
2019 Reencuentros / Retrouvailles A playlist for webSYNradio containing works of some Argentinean artists, curated by Mario Verandi. Artistic contribution: a white noise, the grilles and the sea (sound piece)
2019-2018 24 h radio performance and exhibition, radio residency CoseCosmische, Milan (2018) and at Chiassoletteraria, literature festival, Radio Station Corso San Gottardo, Chiasso, Switzerland (2019) Artistic contribution: Plateaus Remix
2017 Juliana Herrero REM 1:1
Book Presentation-Happening Format in the collection Fundación Andreani, La Boca, Buenos Aires. Readings with Maria Frondizi (authors). Guitar: Toti Serrano
2017 Juliana Herrero REM 1:1
Book Präsentation-Happening Format with live readings. Raum D Q21 Museums Quartier, Vienna
Juliana Herrero (Voice Over in Spanish) with Authors Voices: Katharina Brandl, Günther Friesinger, Alexandra Grausam, Evelyn van Hulzen, Ruth Horak, Francesco Lucifora, Claudio Vekstein
2016 10 Jahre KUNSTZELLE
WUK-Hof, Vienna
Artistic contribution.
Micro-performance EXTIMA
12 Lessons from the „Lexicon“ of the work „Extimum“ -2012- written bed sheets are read out in the cell.
Earlier Interventions Live
2012 Emotionale Passagen 2012
WUK-Projektraum, Vienna
Operation Palatschinken
installation – performance
2011 Emotionale Passagen 2011
LAI Latinamerican – Institute Vienna
Wavescape 72 Re-loaded
video-format with intervention live
Art in public space
2024 ONE OF A KIND, Glassbox of the 20 District Museum Vienna
2023 PLAY PLEASE [Bichinoid3 urbano] @!dieWende q202, diese Straße ist Kunst, Vienna
2019-present ANTENNA (installation) in collaboration with Thomas Grill
Auditorium of Rotting Sounds MDW University of music and performative Arts Vienna
2018 LMC EXTIMA (installation)
2016 EXTIMA (micro performance)
2014 La Mia Camera (installation)
2012 Im Universum der Sichtbarkeit (Installation)
Hotel Burgas vitrine space
Group Exhibitions (Selection)
Klangkunst und Notation, Errant Sound Gallery, Berlin
Artists: Eunice Artur (Lissabon), Juliana Herrero (Wien), Jutta Ravenna (Berlin) und Salomé Voegelin (Berlin)
Curated by Jutta Ravenna
WHAT MATTER(ED)S, GrenzART gallery, Hollabrunn
IntAkt – internationale Aktionsgemeinschaft bildender Künstlerinnen
MAZE 2021 WUK, Vienna
Art fair
Presented works: Sube la marea (wall object with sound), Sabana (Sound installation) and more
CYBORG SINTHESYS, esc medien kunst labor, Graz
Artists: Ursula Damm, Stefan Doepner, Adam Harvey, Juliana Herrero, Linda Kronman, Moreshin Allahyari & Daniel Rouke. Curated by esc medien kunst labor
Presented works: Plateaus (media sound installation) and on the filaments, there where the plateau rises (sound kinetic installation)
Kunst vor dem Markt, das weisse haus, Vienna
Presented work: Tundra (sound installation)
la pantera rosa БАГАТО [wir sind mehrere]
IntAkt Gallery, WUK, Vienna
Artists: Anja Filatova, Juliana Herrero, Korinna Lindinger, Karla Spiluttini
Presented work: A prototype of a Sound Folie (work in progress)
La Marca Original, CCK, Buenos Aires
Curated by: Gabriela Urtiaga with Ana María Battistozzi, Laura Buccellato y Renato Rita
Presented work: M1:1 Excerpt of Milieu (sound installation)
A Journey in Two Parts -Second phase, collection Fundación Andreani
La Boca, Buenos Aires
Curated by: Eva Grinstein
Presented work: Milieu (sound installation)
Auditorium of rotting sounds
MDW University of Music and performative Arts Vienna
In context of a PEEK Project (Programme for Arts-based Research) lead by Thomas Grill. Presented work: Antenna (sound installation in public space) by Juliana Herrero and Thomas Grill
Kunststrasse 2018
ZWISCHENRÄUME – Nirgendwo ist NICHTS, Imst Tirol
Presented work: LMC EXTIMA (various pieces installation -site specific)
„don’t call it off-space!“10 years anniversary, das weisse haus Vienna
Presented work: On Naturalien Ensambles (more pieces installation)
“1:1”, La Ira de dios, Buenos Aires (DUETOS: with Ana Montecucco, Carolina Boettner and Nestor Crovetto)
Presented works: Extimum (installation), invisible cities (video installation), naturalien en el espacio (installation)
Transitions of Energy, K. H. Renlund Museum, Kokkola, Finland
Curated by Lorella Scacco.
Artists: Flavia Bigi, casaluce/geiger & synusi@cyborg, Juliana Herrero, Sissa Micheli and Francesca Romana Pinzari.
Presented works: M : 1 : 2 : 3 (sound installation – site specific) Multipolaren and Blues en Sol Menor (empirical painting, depiction of sound frequencies, mix media)
Transitions of Energy, Museum of Kymenlaakso, Kotka, Finland
curated by Lorella Scacco. Artists: Flavia Bigi, casaluce/geiger & synusi@cyborg, Juliana Herrero, Sissa Micheli and Francesca Romana Pinzari. Presented works: Multipolaren and Blues en Sol Menor (empirical painting, depiction of sound frequencies, mix media)
Kunstraum SUPER, Vienna ArtWeek 2016, Vienna
Curated by Katharina Brandl, Daniela Hahn and Andrea Lehsiak. Artists: Renate Bertlmann, Juliana Herrero, Linus Riepl.
Presented work: Nomadentum (spatial installation with sound)
Transitions of Energy
Kajaani Art Museum, Kajaani, Finland
Curated by Lorella Scacco. Artists: Flavia Bigi, casaluce/geiger & synusi@cyborg, Juliana Herrero, Sissa Micheli and Francesca Romana Pinzari
Presented work: Milieu (sound installation – site specific) Multipolaren and Blues en Sol Menor (empirical painting, depiction of sound frequencies, mix media)
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Institute for Sociology, University Vienna
Artistic commentaries for the week of sociology new research
Artists: Roman Soboszek, Korinna Lindinger, Laura Wiesböck
Presented work: Naturalien Ensamble N.1 (sound installation, site specific along the wall)
Exhibition Premio Fundación Andreani a las Artes Visuales 2015, Centro Cultural Borges, Buenos Aires
Presented work: Milieu (sound installation)
Transitions of Energy, Kunsthalle LAB, Bratislava
Curated by Lorella Scacco. Artists: Flavia Bigi, casaluce/geiger & synusi@cyborg, Juliana Herrero, Sissa Micheli and Francesca Romana Pinzari.
Presented work: Milieu (sound installation – site specific)
Überschreitungen, Symposion Lindabrunn
Curated by Günther Friesinger
Presented work: Milieu (sound installation – site specific)
random thoughts of a daily light, das weisse haus, Vienna
Curated by Alexandra Grausam & Markus Taxacher
Presented work: Plateaus (sound installation – site specific)
Interferences::: Utopia in Transit, studio das weisse haus, Vienna
Duo show. Artists-Dialogue. Juliana Herrero and Sissa Micheli invite each other, in their Studios to temporary intervene their works.
Presented work: M:1 Excerpt of Milieu (sound installation – site specific)
Paraflows.9 INTIMACY, Künstlerhaus, Vienna
Curated by Günther Friesinger und Judith Fegerl
Presented work: Milieu (sound installation)
INVASION, Buenos Aires-Berlin, Kotti-Shop, Berlin
Curated by Invasion. Artists: Carolina Böttner, Julian Brangold, Juliana Herrero
Presented work: Crystallons (procedual spatial installation)
Kaleidoskop, 18M Salon, Berlin
Presented work: Paisaje Virtual (flat Installation)
Kaleidoskop, Maison de l’Argentine, Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris
Presented work: Paisaje Virtual (flat Installation)
Vienna ArtWeek 2013, Open Studio, studio das weisse haus, Vienna
Presented work: One Crystalline Installation (spatial installation; recording process, participation)
Kaleidoskop 2013, LAI Latin-American – Institute Vienna
Presented works: Extimum (spatial installation) and Crystallons (spatial installation, pre-musical)
Emotionale Passagen 2012, WUK-Projektraum, Vienna
Presented works: La Mia Camera -expanded (more-pieces spatial installation), Invisible Cities (video installation), Wavescape 72 Re-loaded (video installation) Urban Backstages (video performance with intervention live by Ivana Reyero, Operation Palatschinken (installation – performance)
Emotionale Passagen 2011
LAI Latin-American – Institute Vienna
Presented works: Wavescape 72 re-loaded (video installation with intervention live), La Mia Camera (installation, intervention inside the wall)
ViennaFair 2011, on behalf of Art & Science, University of Applied Arts Vienna
Presented work realised in collaboration with Art & Science Class: Acoustic Cloud Remix (spatial installation)
GOHO, Rundgang 2009, Nürnberg
Presented work: Fall UP (spatial installation)
by Anja Brankamp and Juliana Herrero
YOKO ONO. Dream Universe(Y.O. with students of Städelschule)2005, Portikus, Frankfurt am Main
Curated by Daniel Birnbaum & Nikola Dietrich.
Presented work: make a wish, (emotional landscape, projection over the Main river)
Rundgang Städelschule 2005
Presented work: wavescape 72 (slide show with cross fading)
Rundgang Städelschule 2004
Presented work: Sofio (installation with performance by Paola Anziche) by Paola Anziche, Hamit Kaplan, Juliana Herrero, David Lagemann, Cynthia Markhoff, Lars Nixdorff
Rundgang Städelschule 2003
Presented work: Programmed Surface, spatial installation
by Juliana Herrero and Mark Ottinger
Frankfurter Positionen 2003, an exhibition of Portikus at the Städelschule
(John Bock, Udo Koch, Ben van Berkel and the Architecture class of Städelschule)
Presented work: Traces of Movement, architectural installation; design and realisation under the direction of Ben van Berkel and Sigurdur Gunnarsson: Haluk Cinar, Juliana Herrero, Isabella Magalhaes, Daniel Ventimiglia
Festival Junger Talente 2003, Messe Offenbach, Main
Presented work: Programmed Surface, spatial installation
by Juliana Herrero and Mark Ottinger
Material Vision 2003, Messe Frankfurt
Presented work: Liquid Maschine (prototype by Juliana Herrero, Alexandra Raonic, Lindsay Webb)
Synthetic Realities, AHO, Oslo 2002
Presented work: Prototype (by Juliana Herrero, Siri Liset, Erik Nordbye, Gabi Schillig)
X.POSICI ON – BA in WIEN, Semper Depot, Vienna 2002
X.POSICI ON – BA in Rotterdam, Berlage Gallery of the Berlage Institute, Rotterdam 2002
Presented work: Pregnant Buildings landscape projection -stills from a derive exercise with Carolina van der Meulen and Galatea Temerlin, around Plaza de Mayo, Buenos Aires
Curated by Christine Bärnthaler, Roberto D’amico and Roberto Lombardi
wir schlafen alle zusamen 2002
Kallco galerie, Vienna
Duo show: Juliana Herrero & Gerhard Fresacher.
Curated by Christine Bärnthaler
Presented work: Wall Posters, (installation)