IMPROMPTU NuaNua {LaResistencia} KÜRÜF ∴ Lo propio Lo Extranjero
PLAY PLEASE [Bichinoid3 urbano]
Key pieces from Lines and Loops: 1. En:clave 2. a cascade of ideas 3. Caian ranitas del cielo [oder die Amphibia Regen] 2023 also “No somos, solo existimos” [Wir sind nicht, wir existieren nur] 2022
Lines and Loops ::: The very First Version of FUGA 21
The room as a score * based on „From One Crystallon To The Pampia“
on the filaments, there where the plateau rises
Key pieces from Sound Floating Landscapes: 1. Plateaus 2. Milieu 3. on the filaments, there where the plateau rises.
1. and 3. of triangular matrices, 2. of a matrice that resembles random P. Baran diagrams of interconnected networks as a filigran physical potato root
1. artist’s voice 2. electronic voice 3. [coordinates] electronic voice [landscape atmosphere] artist‘s voice